Discover your colours

with Rochelle

Feel good in every item of clothing you own!


Have you ever stood in front of your wardrobe, surrounded by clothes that just don’t resonate

Do you long for outfits that are easy to throw on, that you know will make you look and feel good, without a huge effort?

Did you know that wearing the right tone, shade, or tint of a colour can do just this for you

Imagine a world where every piece you wear, whether your comfy ‘knock about’ clothes or fancy dress up clothes, makes you look full of life, and feel it! 

With my Colour Analysis service, you’ll embark on a journey to uncover the shades that empower you, elevate your style, and celebrate your uniqueness.

This is for you if you…


FEEL YOU have nothing to wear

You feel overwhelmed by a wardrobe full of clothes that never seem to fit your mood or make you feel your best.


desire to feel GOOD

You wish getting dressed was effortless, knowing each piece will make you look and feel amazing.


want to stop wasting money

You’re tired of wasting money on  clothes that don’t actually suit you or give you confidence.


are ready to glow

You’re curious about how the right colours can enhance your natural beauty, make you glow, and uplift your energy.


long to shine in your uniqueness 

You’re ready to embrace and celebrate your uniqueness and make every day a little more vibrant.

Why Choose My Colour Analysis?

A Journey of Self-Discovery

Together, we’ll explore the colours that truly make you glow on the outside, and in turn make you more confident on the inside.

Empowerment through Connection

This isn’t just a service; it’s a shared experience with me, which I honour, and I hope will stay with you for a lifetime.

Be Uniquely You

The time is now. So many of us have hidden away too long. Even if the idea of colour scares you a little, I promise that I will help you see how wonderful it can (will!) make you feel!

Step into the fullest version of you, without hesitation. I am here to hold your hand.

Me before Colour Analysis

I used to think I looked good in dark colours because of my dark hair…but actually I just looked tired!

Me after Colour Analysis

I realise now how much better I look in the bright palette of Spring. My skin is more radiant, and you see me before you see my clothes (despite the fact that they are brighter!)

kind words from clients

"My colour analysis with Rochelle brought such clarity and deeper understanding of myself. I remember waking up the next day after our session, feeling a fuller, more whole version of myself.

Before our session, I never really considered the huge impact wearing different colours holds in shifting my energy. My colour analysis session with Rochelle was such a beautiful and unexpectedly deeply healing experience for me. Rochelle so lovingly brought in so much clarity for me.

I am now very aware of the colours I wear and choose. It brings me deep joy to feel more aligned, clear and deserving of simple nourishing beauty through colours every day. I am so grateful for our colour analysis session together.

Thank you dear Rochelle!"

— Márie Dumigan

“At first, I resisted the colours in my Spring palette since I had grown attached to the deeper Autumn tones throughout my life, even identifying part of my personality with them. But once I embraced the Spring colours I was naturally drawn to, I realised how much brighter and more vibrant they made me feel! They truly complement my skin tone, making me look healthier and more tanned, while smoothing out my complexion. 

Rochelle’s expertise gave me the permission to experiment and have fun with colour, which has brought a lighter, freer side of my personality to the surface. 

Shopping for clothes is now a joy, and I can easily identify what works for me.

I’m so grateful to Rochelle for her time and care throughout the process—I would highly recommend her for a seasonal colour analysis. It’s a small step that’s made a big impact on my wardrobe and confidence!”

—Steph Barker

What's Included?

  • Either an in person session if you live locally (around Yorkshire) or a Zoom call to carry out the draping process, to find your unique Season of Colours.


  • Advice on makeup and hair colour.


  • Personalised aftercare pack for you to keep that includes everything we have discussed.


  • Your seasonal colour fan (either physical or digital).


For the Colour Analysis, in-person or online.


If you're all in, upgrade to the full Transformation Package

This includes:

  • a Colour Analysis 
  • a Month of Additional Guidance on WhatsApp

All for £230

Don’t let another day pass of not feeling good in what you wear. 

Embrace your unique beauty through the colours that make you feel wonderful inside and out! 

Bring colour into your life - you won’t regret it.

Hi, I'm Rochelle.

Here’s the story of how I fell in love with Colour Analysis

It all started one summer evening, at a gathering organised by my neighbour. I arrived thinking it would be a light-hearted night, but what unfolded was a revelation. My neighbour didn’t know I had actually been keen to have my colours analysed for a while as I’d been inspired by my friends Claire and Helen. What I didn’t know was that this evening would awaken something in me that I didn’t know was there to be revealed.

I was the youngest woman there that night by at least 10 years, the majority were at least 20 years older. I’ve always loved to be around older women - I actually believe it’s incredibly important for every woman - we change so much throughout our lives compared to men - the wisdom from older women prepares and grounds us.

We sat around a table together and each woman took her turn to have her colours analysed. It was such a joy to witness. To watch each woman change how she held her body within seconds of the right shade being held up to her. 

However, what I loved just as much, was how the other woman being there enhanced the experience. Our compliments and ‘wows’ made her spine straighten with pride so much more. 

Women are so used to being judged and criticised by one another. We don’t feel good in our own bodies (something the right coloured clothes can help with significantly!) and we are on top of this constantly comparing ourselves to one another.

This is the exact opposite of what I saw happen on this evening. Instead, each woman was seen and recognised in her own unique beauty.


And so I was hooked. This powerful experience drove me to ensure every woman has the chance to feel that magic.


A few months later, my training with the London College of Style as a Colour Analyst began. It wasn’t a totally obvious fit with my other work, but then at the same time, I soon realised it was.

I am passionate about helping women step into their uniqueness, and fully own their truth.


Most women hide away in dark colours, partly out of the desire to hide, but also largely because they just don’t know what makes them shine.

After just an hour this can all change, and after, life will never be the same again.

(sounds extreme but it is true!)

Don’t let another day pass of not feeling good in what you wear.


Embrace your unique beauty through the colours that make you feel wonderful inside and out! Bring colour into your life - you won’t regret it.